Examples of VB.Net, C#, and JSON code for the Encompass® platform

I am looking to find ways to share VB.Net, C#, and JSON code to those who need it. This post gives examples of each. If you are interested in learning more, let me know.


Larry B.

'Here is an example of VB.Net for a Field Trigger business rule.

If [1811] = "PrimaryResidence" or [1811] = "SecondHome" Then
	If [#16] = 1 Then
		If [#1821] <= 1000000 Then
			[641] = 450.00
		Else If [#1821] > 1000000 and [#1821] <= 2000000   Then
			[641] = 650.00
		Else If [#1821] > 2000000 Then
			[641] = 750.00
		End If
	Else If [#16] >= 2 Then
		If [#1821] <= 1000000 Then
			[641] = 650.00
		Else If [#1821] > 1000000 and [#1821] <= 2000000   Then
			[641] = 750.00
		Else If [#1821] > 2000000 Then
			[641] = 850.00
		End If
	End If
Else If [1811] = "Investor" Then
	If [#16] = 1 Then
		If [#1821] <= 1000000 Then
			[641] = 650.00
		Else If [#1821] > 1000000 and [#1821] <= 2000000   Then
			[641] = 750.00
		Else If [#1821] > 2000000 Then
			[641] = 850.00
		End If
	Else If [#16] >= 2 Then
		If [#1821] <= 1000000 Then
			[641] = 750.00
		Else If [#1821] > 1000000 and [#1821] <= 2000000   Then
			[641] = 850.00
		Else If [#1821] > 2000000 Then
			[641] = 950.00
		End If
	End If
End If

//This is an example of C# taken from our course teaching you how to
build a Nonmodal plugin

private void CurrentLoan_FieldChange(object source, EllieMae.Encompass.BusinessObjects.Loans.FieldChangeEventArgs e)
            // below is a simple way you can write your own messages into the
            // Encompass log file.
            ApplicationLog.Write("NonModal Popup Plugin", "A loan field is changing " +
                " new value is '" + e.NewValue + "' and the old value is: '" + e.PriorValue + "' ");

            string nameFieldId = "CX.NONMODAL";

            // naming our restrictions allows our code to be more readable
            bool isNameFieldChanging = nameFieldId == e.FieldID;
            //bool isNameFieldSetToTest = e.NewValue.Equals("the Input Form Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // with the named conditions in our if statement, it's very intuitive what
            // the intent of our if statement is.
            // As opposed to looking something like this:
            // if (nameFieldId == e.FieldID && e.NewValue.Equals("test", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            if (isNameFieldChanging)
                // Open the input form which is identified in the custom field cx.nonmodal, as a non-modal form.

'This is an example of a JSON package used in Encompass® on the Web'

[{"name":"Condo Review","description":"","tags":
  [{"name":"Condominimum"}],"comments":"Blah Blah Blah","status":"Active","contents":
  [{"id":"31701a5a-9952-41fd-91f6-4b994a2c26c4","name":"Property, Title and  Trust Information","type":"Standard Form","actions":"Edit"},
   {"id":"8edfc7e7-075f-42aa-b433-ddde7af12e29","name":"Subject Property","type":"Standard Form","actions":"Edit"},
   {"id":"332b05be-e3a0-4305-bbe1-4ffcc7190bcf","name":"Appraisal Review","type":"Document","actions":"Edit"}],
  "lastModified":"2023-04-17 17:23:19.879 PM UTC","created":"2023-04-17 17:23:19.879 PM UTC",
  "createdBy":"Administrator, Johnny","modifiedBy":"Administrator, Johnny","actions":"Edit","tagList":"Condominimum"}]

Why learning something every day is important


Running two versions of Encompass® at the same time on the same PC