You can have a Task-based workflow in your Encompass® today.

You can leverage the Task-based workflow in Encompass® on the Web or desktop.

(With a bit of help from us)

What is a Task-based workflow? - It is a methodology that focuses on tasks and their sequence so the workflow is efficient and organized. This is especially important for those involving repetitive or high-volume tasks. This task-based workflow can reduce labor costs and speed up operations. Essentially, it’s a set of sequential tasks that allow mortgage operations to quickly and efficiently complete the loan origination process.

Here is what to expect in this engagement:

  • A 3-Stage Workflow Review to create and deploy your new Task-based workflow. We will review your workflow to look for these kinds of task opportunities:

  1. Simple tasks to ensure teams remember minor details

  2. Moderate rules-based tasks which dynamically adjust based on the loan file data in Encompass

  3. Detailed rules-based tasks, which are based on Moderate rules but add in higher levels of details to call in documents and input forms (standard and custom) to the task workspace

  • We will manage the configuration of your:

  1. Global Settings

  2. Tasks

  3. Workspaces

  • Workflow Mapping Documentation

  1. All workflows will be documented in a Visio document and delivered to you

  2. All tasks will be aligned with the workflow documentation

  • Dedicated Weekly 1:1 meetings to review planned and completed work

  • A dedicated and experienced professional to guide you through each step to prepare Encompass® and your team

  • Online task and project management platform to document open items and their corresponding status