51 And still counting
Numbers never really leave our life, they just seem to get bigger. It seems like just when you have everything worked out, the numbers change, they seem to get larger, and then life goes on.
To me, the funny thing about numbers is that they seem to mean different things to different people even if the number is exactly the same. A good example of this is the amount of people in America who need a mortgage at any particular point in time is the same to all, but depending on who you are or what company you work for, but never could be depressing or exhilarating.
Another good example is how much time you have worked in the mortgage industry. I have personally watched this number grow over the last three decades, and for me it is both amazing how much time has passed as well as inspiring to consider how much time I still have left to make a difference. The time to make a difference is why I created Mortgage Workflow Partners Inc.
I personally understand how easy it is to work your ass off and lose your company in spite of it. I also know how easy it is to seemingly do everything wrong and make a ton of money in spite of it. The average reality, to me, lies in between those two bookends. Most of us are simply trying to figure out each day what can be done to keep their own business engine running. To me that clearly means you need the right combination of technology, workflow, and people. Over the years I’ve seen a few bad actors here and there, but overwhelmingly predominantly the situation is people really do want to do their best, but they just may not have anyone helping them be their best.
That is exactly where I wanted to make a difference with Mortgage Workflow Partners Inc. I have personally helped hundreds of companies over the last 30 years try to become the best version of themselves using all available technologies and learning how to pivot workflows for the short, medium, and long terms. Knowledge sharing and helping people understand the “Why” behind the ”What” is critical to the formula.
And to be honest, I have been extraordinarily blessed to have all of the experiences both forward moving as well as setbacks because I would not be in the spot today without each and everyone of them. I have also been extraordinarily compensated, but always as an employee and excluding one particular company, was never given any ownership opportunities. My time at EllieMae although brief, gave me the ability to appreciate ownership through stock and that has had a tremendous lasting impact on my outlook of how a company can create a sense of ownership and belonging to an employee.
I created Mortgage Workflow Partners Inc as a C-Corp. to intentionally provide opportunities for ownership to those who wanted to join a company to help it grow. I truthfully believe that you should be rewarded by the company, in a vesting position. if you were the one who is creating value for the company to grow. There is nothing more frustrating,, to me at least, to know that I am working my ass off to help a company grow into some large multiplier of its previous self, but my compensation is not tied to its growth. If I could somehow send a message to my prior self , The one thing that I would send back is “Ask for ownership in the company that you know your actions will make an enormous change in“.
If you think you are someone who can add value to Mortgage Workflow Partners Inc and help it grow exponentially because of you, please reach out and ask for ownership. I would love to get to know you better and what your vision is for how you can make a difference. I’ll try not to be melodramatic that we could all be gone tomorrow, but we have to focus on the opportunity that there will be a tomorrow and what do you want it to look like for you and for others?
In my mind’s eye, we are creating value for ourselves, our company, and the clients that we advocate for. Making a difference in everyone else’s life has a remarkable butterfly effect.
51 and still counting…
Thanks for reading
Larry Bailey