Mortgage Workflow Partners - Premier Member of the ICE Mortgage Technology™ Consulting Partner Program

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Stop washing your money down the drain - Three areas to focus on now!

Maybe I am being dramatic...but am I? I watch too many Clients (former, current, and future) spend money on three main areas that make me shake my head. There are three focus points that I consistently help Clients see and then do something about.

  1. Third-Party contractors. (But that's me...) - I am the FIRST to call this one out. Your third party should be adding obvious value to your company. This can come in various ways, but if they cannot show you the money they are bringing into your bottom line, it is time for a change. Technology prices continue to change, as do prices for services. Whatever you are paying them for, you need to be able to see a straight line from their invoice to your increased bottom line. If not...make the change. You need results now more than ever. This is exactly why I created Mortgage Workflow Partners Inc.

  2. Plug-ins or other software that you no longer need. This can be many things. I consistently do workflow and technology reviews to discover that companies have no idea why a piece of technology exists in their Encompass® or their company, and yet, there it is. Eating up resources that could be used somewhere else in the company. This can add to vast sums of money and keep people working instead of being laid off. Before you let ONE MORE PERSON GO from your company, you need to check your software licenses and the invoices you pay to cut what you no longer need.

  3. Education does not need to cost anything. When I built up an entire educational platform in the past, it was meant to help create a platform to teach people the information they did not know about. If you use Encompass® as your LOS platform, then you need to know everything about it from the inside out. You do not need to pay someone for that information because I make it available to you at no cost. Feel free to review the over 40 hours of recorded material where I review every setting from Admin Tools through all of the Encompass® settings, along with Input Form Builder®, Consumer Connect® Settings, and even TPO Connect® settings. There is NO COST to watching and learning from my recordings. Here is the link to register -

Times like these are nothing new. They are painful reminders that the mortgage industry requires experience, dedication, insight, resources, and collaboration. Money never grew on trees, and now more than ever, you cannot afford to wash any of it down the drain.